When you receive a settlement for your personal injury, you might wonder whether or not the settlement you have received must be used to repay certain expenses linked to your injuries, like medical bills. Figuring out what bills must be reimbursed and which bills are covered in full already can […]
What to Do After a Loved One Has Died Due to Wrongful Death The loss of a loved one to a tragic accident can leave a hole in your family and result in substantial financial costs and a reduction in household income. When your loved one’s death was due to […]
Being injured in a car accident can not only put a quick stop to your plans for the day but also lead to injuries that result in long-term and life-altering symptoms. The duration of time that any individual “should” be sore after an accident is zero. If you have been […]
Many homeowners make the mistake of believing that their insurance company is on their side, and filing for and receiving benefits for damage caused by a hurricane will be a painless process. Unfortunately, most insurance providers are more concerned about their bottom line than they are about their policyholders. Because […]
Hurricanes can be devastating for homeowners. They cause untold damage and leave many homes uninhabitable until they are repaired. Fortunately, in most hurricane-prone states like Florida, homeowners have insurance policies in place to cover the damages caused by hurricanes. When these policies promptly pay the amount needed to cover the […]
Floridians may not know much about snowstorms or cold snaps but they know hurricanes. Living in a beautiful tropical area means dealing with the threat of damage caused by hurricanes from June through November every year. Unfortunately, many residents only consider the repercussions of a hurricane once a named storm […]
Why Roads Are Becoming More Dangerous for Pedestrians Statistics are clear: the number of pedestrians being injured and killed on our roadways is increasing. According to a report by Smart Growth America, from 2019 to 2020, there was a 4.5% increase in the number of pedestrians hit and killed on […]
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain that is caused by some sort of trauma. The trauma can be a penetrating injury, which is where the skull is broken, and the actual brain penetrated. Being shot in the head is an example of a penetrating injury. […]
At Martin Law Firm, P.L., we represent people that have been injured in car accidents throughout the state of Florida. Our years of experience as personal injury attorneys have shown us that car accidents in Florida tend to occur more often in the summer months for various reasons, which we […]
Biking is a favorite pastime for many residents of the sunshine state. Great weather, scenic routes, and smooth terrain make biking an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, Florida is also the most dangerous state for bicycle accidents. At Martin Law Firm, P.L., our attorneys represent injured bicyclists throughout the state of Florida […]