What To Do If Your Accident Police Report is Incorrect
After an accident, all parties involved are generally rattled and may overlook details they would typically never miss, such as inaccuracies in the police report. This can be detrimental to any resulting personal injury claim as the insurance company will surely request a copy of the report and rely on its findings. If this has happened to you, and you later notice that the police report is inaccurate, there are steps you can take to have it corrected. An attorney from Martin Law Firm, P.L., explains.
Request a Copy of the Police Report
First and foremost, after the accident occurs, request a copy of the official report turned in by the responding officer. Go over the report in detail to ensure all its evidence is accurate and without error. If any errors are found, it is important they be rectified as soon as possible.
Gather Evidence of the Inaccuracies
Whatever the inaccuracies may be, it is imperative that you gather proof that they exist. This may be as simple as copying your driver’s license in the case that your name is misspelled. However, gathering evidence may be more difficult in cases with more severe inaccuracies, such as who is at fault in the accident. Pictures, videos, and witness statements can be used as evidence. However, in cases where the “error” is actually more of a difference in opinion, it may be difficult to have the report amended. Bear in mind; you are not allowed to make any changes to the report yourself. In a case like this, it is best to write your account of what transpired and why you disagree with the police report.
Contact the Police Department & Request Amendment
Every police station will handle the amendment of reports differently. The best way to determine how a particular department will handle making these changes is to contact them directly. You may be required to speak with the officer who wrote the report, or you could be referred to someone else. Some counties may even have you fill out a request online. No matter which option you are directed to follow, it is important to document your request. If you speak with someone, send them a follow-up email confirming your conversation and what steps they advised you to take next.
Ask for an Amended Police Report
Once the discrepancies have been corrected, obtain a copy of the amended report and supply it to the insurance company.
If you need any help with this process, contact an attorney to have them assist you.
Speak With A Personal Injury Attorney at Martin Law Firm, P.L.
A personal injury attorney at our firm can help you with every step of the claim process, including having errors in the police report remedied. With four offices throughout Florida, we are never too far away. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you.